Noroc cu vechiul meu calculator din 2003, pe care l-am reinvestit miraculos in forma sa originala, si iata ca, cu greu, incet dar sigur, mai pot naviga pe internet sau juca un joc de acum 10 ani. Se pare ca nu se mai fac calculatoare ca pe vremuri, pentru ca acest batran Celeron a functionat vreo doua mandate fara probleme si fara sa fie nevoie de remanieri de Windows! Daca pica si Celeronul, mai am un 486 undeva… ma intorc in feudalism.
Lessons learned:
- folositi un laptop cooler vara, nu unul ieftin, din plastic, ca mine
- faceti backup lunar pe un disk extern sau stick
- se putea si mai rau, acum 8 ani mi s-a ars harddisk-ul si am pierdut tot ce aveam pe el
nu pricep cum de la placa video ai pierdut ce aveai pe hard
n-am pierdut nimic, doar ca e mai complicat sa recuperez de pe el fara monitor… trebuie sa il scot si sa il conectez la un alt comp, dar e hdd de laptop, in fine, pana la urma am reusit!
Enlisted soldiers do not wear rank on their heaegdar. He should be wearing a Distinctive Unit Insignia of the 3rd Infantry Division instead. His ribbons are not worn correctly as he has a single ribbon on the bottom row. It should be a row of 3, then 3 in each higher row. Also, he is wearing the Liberation of Kuwait Medal but is not wearing the Saudi liberation of Kuwait medal which was presented prior to the Kuwaiti one he wears. He should be wearing both. The US pullout from Viet Nam was in 1975 if born in 1959, that means he would have had to have reported to Viet Nam at the age of 15 at the oldest. His Unit Citations (right breats above pocket) are out of order. It is now authorized to wear three tabs (the cloth rockers above the 3rd ID patch), BUT the 3rd ID is not Airborne and therefore would not wear an Airborne Tab. The blue Airborne Tab is either 82nd Airborne Division or 173rd Airborne. He is also wearing a Sliver Star lapel pin as a tie tack unathorized in uniform, especially if it can be seen. The lapel pin is to be worn in civilian clothes in lieu of the medal NOT as a tie tack in uniform. His name plate also has CSM Retired under his name again, completely unauthorized. Also, he is not wearing the NCOES (Non Commissioned Officer Education System) ribbbon that every NCO wears with a numeral on it designating the level of NCO education attained. As a CSM, he should be wearing the wribbon with a roman numeral 4 attached. He also does not wear an Overseas Service Ribbon, nor an Army Service Ribbon which EVERY Army soldier is awarded upon completion of training. This man is a complete and utter fake, and a bad one at that. I’m sure there is more, but this should suffice for now.
Ce inseamna romanul descurcaret! Am reincentat si eu cateva calculatoare la viata mea asa ca inteleg perfect cum te simti 🙂
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